Monday, May 28, 2018

Week of May 21-25

Dear families,

I hope you had a terrific weekend. The weather was beautiful!

Last week we continued our learning about Fairy Tales and Safety. The children wrote a letter to the Big Bad Wolf and made a big pig puppet. They enjoyed doing that so much that they asked to make a Big Bad Wolf puppet, too! We watched James Marshall's version of The Three Little Pigs on the Smartboard, and talked about the similarities and differences between the classic and modern versions. We also did Three Little Pig Math activities, playing a guessing game about which little pig number is behind the door (for example, "The number is an upside down 9"). The children also played a numeracy activity in groups of two (1 SK, 1 JK): they got a cup of ten pennies, and dumped them on the table, and then tallied, graphed and did ten-frames about which were "heads" and which were "tails." They did a "Little Piggie Pie" booklet as well. Piggie Pie is something you can make at home with a bagel, cream cheese, a strawberry, 2 chocolate chips, a banana slice, and a licorice string. I'll send the instructions home.

For our learning about safety, the kids watched 2 videos about when to call 9-1-1 and about street, park, and home safety. They are making a Safety Booklet with their Reading Buddies. We also talked about Elmer the Elephant's Seven Safety Rules and the kids are reading and colouring a booklet about them. This week we'll discuss fire safety.

Thank you so much to Lucas' mom who was our Mystery Reader, and to Rielle's and Sarah's moms who helped with Friday's Pizza Lunch!

The children also enjoyed a cultural presentation in the gym called "Turtle Island."

Please remember that your child needs a hat at school for outdoor play. No flip flops please.

The words of the week were FUN and FRIEND, and the homework was to complete the THEY booklet.

I hope you have a great week!

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