Saturday, October 20, 2012

Hallowe'en is fast approaching and what an exciting time for the children! Please see the "Important upcoming dates" section of this blog for more information on the Hallowe'en Parade and Craft Party. Come see our new spooky decorations in the class!

The JKs finished their "colour wheel" pies and had to "read" a colour chart to match up the colour chart words with their colour pie words, i.e. only one colour starts with R (so it must be red), one starts with O (it must be orange), etc. The SKs wrote a little Apple Booklet about features of apples and all the kids made a cute "Who is in the Barn?" booklet, with the JKs reading a colouring the booklet and the SKs reading the booklet, filling in blanks, and drawing accompanying pictures to match the words they read.

We also worked on patterning - ABAB, ABAC, AAB, ABC, ABCD, etc. and they children made patterns with foam stickers and had to read and understand the pattern they made. For the JKs I expected a simple ABAB pattern and for the SKs I expect a more complicated pattern. If you want to work on patterns at home, bingo dabbers are a fun and mess-free way to create patterns (dollar store).

We are also learning about pumpkins and did pumpkin math (counting), pumpkin sequencing, pumpkin ordering (smallest to biggest), and little booklets on how a pumpkin grows. Next week we will make jack-o-lanterns from our little class pumpkins together and will do a little science; we will weigh the pumpkins before and after removing the seeds, will estimate and then count the seeds, talk about the shapes we use to make the jack-o-lantern, etc.

Willem and Jacob from Mrs. Wilson's class read to our morning class and our afternoon class Reading Buddies helped the children read their Farm booklets and our class library Hallowe'en books. The Morning Class will be starting Reading Buddies later this month.

We also wrote in our journals and worked on our Phonics Duotangs as we do each week.

Thanks to the parent volunteers of this week! Reading Club was Dexter's mom and Sienna's mom, Computer Lab was Logan's mom, White bags was Dana's mom and Natasha's mom. Please remember to return your Snuggle Books and Read and Write Mini books (afternoon class will receive the read and write books on Monday) so that your child can receive and read another one. If you can read it, you can write it!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Last week we finished our booklets called "Leaves," learned about life on a farm and what farmers do, read books with our Book Buddies, did our October Calendars, and learned about apples through vocabulary building and graphs about what is made from apples. We also wrote about Thanksgiving in our Journals. We practiced our numbers and have learned/reviewed the first three Jolly Phonics sounds S,A and T. The children also worked on their phonics duotangs.

Thank you so much to Sienna's family and Logan's family for craft supplies! We used some of them already to make patterns.

Thank you to Dana's mom and our co-op student Emily for making the "Who is in the Barn?" booklets. We will complete them this week. The JKs will colour and read their booklets, and the SKs will fill in missing word blanks, draw pictures to accompany the words, and read their booklets.

Thanks to Caroline's mom and Victoria's mom for being our Mystery Readers, Logan's mom and Caroline's mom for doing the Friday bags, Charlie's mom for doing Reading Club, and Kai L.'s dad for helping with Computer Lab.

At this month's Sharing Assembly we will recite the poem "If I were a Leaf" and sing the song "Apples." The children receiving certificates for Responsibility will be Clive, Emma, Carson, and Emerson. Good work! We are proud of you!

Have a great week!