Dear families,
I was an awesome week last week! The field trip to Springridge Farm was so much fun and the children participated in so many fun and educational activities! First, there was a wagon ride to the strawberry patch. The children learned that the two water reservoirs hold water which is fed to the strawberry patch by pipes. After learning about how strawberries are planted and how they grow, each child picked two strawberries fresh from the field. Then they walked further up the hill and had a terrific view of the Niagara Escarpment. They could see as far as the CN Tower! The children also saw two turkey vultures in the sky. After the view from the Lookout Tower, they walked down the hill and picked fresh clover for the goats. The goats loved them! The children then went to the Bee Education Area and learned all about bees. Theo got to dress up as a Bee Keeper! The children saw a real bee hive and watched the bees in action. Then they saw baby chicks, and fed grain to hens and goats. After looking at the rabbits and King Pigeons, the children took turns going down the slides and explored the hay bale play area. They had apple juice and ran up and down a hay hill, and then it was time to get back on the bus! Our tour guide Farmer Fiona said that our class was the "best of 2016" and I was so proud of the children's excellent behaviour and great questions for Farmer Fiona. Thank you SO MUCH to the wonderful parent volunteer moms of Alexandra, Andrew, Dylan, Luca and William'who came with us on the trip and helped supervise the children!
Last week we finished our Inquiry on Farms by doing a "Farms..." booklet with the words HAVE, CAN and GROW. The children also wrote about their trip to Springridge Farm and drew a picture. They watched a video about sheep from Farmer Tania, made Ruby's farm puzzle (thank you Ruby!), looked at pictures of farms from long ago before there were tractors and big machines (thank you Camilla!), and played Farmer's Market.
LKS had a practice fire drill and the children did an excellent job lining up quickly and quietly by the fence.
Thank you so much to Matthew's mom who was our Mystery Reader on Thursday. Thank you to Avery who found a robin's egg and brought it in to share at the Science Centre.
On Monday the children had great fun participating in the Dance for the Red Cross (Alberta Relief Fund). The children also completed the last calendar of the near (June) and the last "This is me in... (June). I am so impressed with the progress they have made since September.
I sent home the SK Summer Journals. Your child's Grade One Teacher woukd love to have this in September!
Sadly, Bubbles the Beta Fish died of old age on Monday. I will get a new Bubbles in September.
It was so hot last week that I decided to call it Freezie Friday which was welcomed by the kids. Can't wait until this Friday!
I hope you had a wonderful Father's Day weekend and enjoyed the beautiful art and card your child made for you.
On Thursday we will celebrate the last TDSB Character Trait of Perseverance at the Sharing Assembly. I hope to see you then!
Have a wonderful week!