Dear Parents,
It’s hard to believe Hallowe’en is on Monday – what an exciting time of year for the children! Please remember to only bring in NUT FREE treats if you are sending them in for your child’s classmates on Monday. I have made bags for the children to sort the treats by finding their classmates’ names. Thank you so much to the parents who have volunteered to help with the party and to bring in snacks. I have fun craft activities planned for the children on this special day.
This week we completed Hallowe’en booklets for your child to read to you at home, we did Hallowe’en-themed counting activities, spelling/vocabulary activities, and colouring as well. We practiced reading/sounding out our Hallowe'en words with pictures, without pictures, and covering up all the letters except the first, then the second, the third, etc. until we sounded them out. The Seniors did before-and-after activities, completing which letter came before or after a given letter of the alphabet. They did the same for numbers. The Juniors also coloured in ghosts according to the colour word on them, drew 1-10 pumpkins seeds, and all the children cut and pasted Hallowe’en words which corresponded to pictures. They also did a sequencing activity, putting six pictures in order of the steps between a pumpkin and a jack-o-lantern. We also read fun and spooky stories about the Berenstain Bears.
Thank you to the parents who attended our second Sharing Assembly. The children did a great job reciting the poem "Autumn Leaves." Congratulations to Logan, Dana, Anna, Raine and Isobel who received a certificate for "Responsibility." Wonderful job!
This week we also completed The Grouchy Ladybug and the children completed the sentence “I liked The Grouchy Ladybug story because....” and drew an accompanying picture to their written words.
Our “fridge door words” this week are COME, LOOK and HERE. Please practice reading these at home when you open the fridge door (like “Open Sesame!”). Please also read your child's weekly Snuggle Book with your child. The more you read with your child, one day your child will read to you!
Thank you to this week’s Parent Volunteers: Sienna’s nanny and Samantha’s mom did Reading Club, the Morning Mystery Reader was Alex H.’s mom, and the white bags were done by Lola’s mom (morning) and Cameron B.’s parents (afternoon). Thank you so much!
A special thank you to Declan’s mom who found some castanets for us: they help us remember the C/K sound. Thank you! And thank you to Myles’ mom for the Play-Doh tub and toys!
Thank you for returning your child’s Phonics Duotangs. The Seniors will do six sets this year and should be completed Set One by November. The Juniors work on their booklets throughout the year and if they complete it early I have more phonics-related activities for them to work on. Great work! I will mark their work so far and will return the books again after we learn and practice more sounds in class. The children should definitely know S,A,T, I, P, N and C/K.
If anyone has extra glass baby food jars and lids please send them in for crafts and paint. Thank you. The larger or smaller sizes are both great. We need the lids as well.
Please support “Hallowe’en for Hunger”; Lambton Kingsway is collecting non-perishable food items for the Daily Bread Food Bank. Items are being collected in bins by the front office. Thank you.
The following parents will be our volunteers for “Seussical the Musical” on November 28 (Morning) and November 29th (Afternoon):
Dana’s mom
William’s mom
Ava’s mom
Sarah’s mom
Yoel’s mom
Cameron D’s mom
Logan’s mom
Jacob’s mom
Thank you so much to everyone who offered to volunteer.
Have a wonderful weekend.