Hello parents,
As we prepare for Earth Week next week, please help your child make an item out of recyled materials to show to the class. It could be a robot, a house, a car, etc. but it must be made out of recycled materials. Thank you!
This week's memory words are "pink, yellow, purple, fun. eggs, bunny, look, paint, hide, church, and chocolate."
Thank you to the following Parent Volunteers: Reading Club was Siri's mom and Griffin's mom, Mystery Reader (a.m.) was Koby's mom, bags and books were done by Alexandra's mom and Charlie's mom, and Play-Doh was made by David's mom. Thank you also to Koby's mom for providing craft items!
We continued work on our Phonics books and we are almost finished Set Three. Good work!
In this week's p.m. bags you will find Earth Day Memory Cards that your child completed. They can play Memory with them at home. The Morning Class will finish these shortly.
We are making a book! Please complete the blue form in this week's white bag if you are interested in this project.
Next month's Scholastic orders are due May 1st.
Next week we will plant tomato seeds and paint easter eggs along with other Spring/Easter-related activities.
Have a great weekend!