Dear families,
I hope you have had a lovely summer! I am looking forward to the start of a wonderful school year! Please check this blog weekly for important and up to date information.
We are having an Open House on Tuesday, September 8. The Senior Kindergarten students are invited to visit from 10:00 am to 11:00 am and the Junior Kindergarten students can see their class from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm. This is a great opportunity to have a look around their classroom, find his/her cubby, say "Hi" to Mrs. Tyndall, see old friends and have a positive start to the school year. Please line up outside the playground door to enter the school. I will also have mailbags ready with beginning of the year paperwork.
Kindergarten Hours 2015-2016
Morning Entry 8:45 a.m.
I will meet the children outside the classroom at the playground door.
Lunch 11:20 a.m.
I will dismiss the children going home for lunch from the playground door outside the classroom.
Afternoon Entry 12:30 p.m.
I will meet the children outside the classroom at the playground door.
Dismissal 3:05 p.m.
I will dismiss the children to their caregivers from the playground door outside the classroom. Students attending before and after school programs or going home on the bus will be escorted by a staff member.
Children will be responsible for bring their own 2 snacks (morning and afternoon) and lunch to school. We encourage the children to go home for lunch if possible as it can be a nice break during the busy day. Children should bring healthy snacks that are easy to eat independently. A reminder that we are a nut free school and nut products are not allowed.
We have Quiet Time after lunch when the children rest quietly for approximately 20 minutes so that they are refreshed for their afternoon of learning. You may provide your child with a small pillow if you wish. Another option is the semi-circular type pillow worn on airplanes.
Your child will need a backpack for Kindergarten. This backpack should be large enough to carry a library book, snacks, a lunch bag (if he/she stays for lunch) and his/her class mailbag (supplied by me). Please give your child opportunities to practise opening, putting things in, taking objects out of the backpack and then zipping the backpack closed. As your child enters school, independence (and attempting to be independent) is very important. If your child is staying for lunch, he/she will also need a reusable lunch container. We have a water fountain in our classroom, so your child does not need a water bottle. Please label all snack containers coming to school so they can be returned to their owner when misplaced. This is a good time to buy extra food containers. Pencils, crayons and erasers, etc are supplied by the school, but this is always a wonderful opportunity to purchase items for home use during the back to school sales.
Please continue to check this blog weekly for updates and information on what we are learning each week in Room 166!
See you on Tuesday! Have a great long weekend!