Friday, April 29, 2011

Friday, April 29

Dear families,

Our butterfly larvae have arrived! We are learning about how caterpillars change into butterflies. In about one week our baby caterpillars will attach themselves to their lids and will form a crysalid. These will then be transferred to our large butterfly net. In approxmately one week the crysalids will mature and our Painted Lady Butterflies will emerge! The butterflies will stay in our classroom with special butterfly food for about two weeks, then each class will release them into our school garden!

In this week's white bags you will find an order form for our published books that we have created in the classroom! If you have not purchased one already and would like to, please fill out a form and return it, along with a cheque payable to LKS for 13.00, by Friday, May 6. Thank you.

Last week we planted our tomato seeds and learned about germination. The seeds have germinated and are growing well. At the end of May they should be ready for planting in your gardens or in planters.

We are continuing to practice writing sentences with "finger spaces" between each word. The children completed the sentence "In the Spring..." on a cut-out flower. Well done! Their reading a writing is really coming along! We also reviewed letter formation and the children have really improved in this area. Our next unit will be on Money.

Please save any cardboard egg cartons so that we can make caterpillars out of them. Thank you!

Thank you very much to our Parent Volunteers over the last two weeks: Reading Club was Maya's mom and David's mom, our Mystery Readers were Maya's dad, Spencer's brother Eddie, and Adam's mom. The white bags and Snuggle Books were done by Siri's mom, Griffin's mom, Sydney's mom, and Alexandra's mom. Thank you so much!

For the Sharing Assembly we performed our Popcorn Song, which is a song with high frequency words.

Please remember to return your white bags each Monday. Also, the Scholastic orders are due on Monday (May 2nd).

An Artist is coming to the Kindergarten Classrooms! Our day will be May 30. The cost will be 10.00 cash per child, including materials. More information to follow.

From our Principal's Blog:
"Just a quick reminder that if your child will not be here in September, to please inform your class teacher and the office. The information is very important as we continue with our planning. As we head into the last two months of school, we will also be completing student placements. As in previous years, staff work together in teams to place the students in classes for the following September. Gender, academic achievement, social needs, and ministry caps are among the list of things that we consider when placing children. The goal of student placements is to have 'balanced' classes. As most of you know, we do not take 'teacher' requests from parents and we ask that you honour this part of the process. By the end of the year, teachers have a good understanding of their students and place the children accordingly. In most cases, staffing hasn't fully been completed until the end of the year, and as most of you know, changes happen all the way into September. We thank you in advance."

Thank you and have a wonderful weekend.

Mrs. Tyndall