Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Welcome to all new and returning students!

Dear parents,

I hope that everyone has had a restful summer! I am looking forward to meeting with you and your children next week and to a wonderful new school year. The first week is a transitional week for JK and SK students as they adjust to their classroom setting and to being in school for the morning/afternoon. Letters were sent home in June regarding your child's first week schedule and if you have further questions please contact the office; they have a copy of my schedule as well.

A reminder of our Kindergarten Open House on Tuesday, September 7. The Morning Class is invited to visit from 10:00 am to 11:00 am, and the Afternoon Class may visit from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm. This gives the children an opportunity to visit the classroom with their parents, find his/her hook, renew friendships and meet myself. All Senior Kindergarten students will be attending school on Wednesday, September 8. Junior Kindergarten students will begin on the date listed on note previously sent home.

Like last year, I will be corresponding by means of this blog and email, and I will also post notices at the entrance door by the playground. My parent volunteers were also very helpful last year in coordinating parent volunteers for Library, Computer Lab, Reading Club and Special Events.


I am asking parents to take turns bringing in the snack for the whole class. Please make sure to bring enough snacks for 20 children. A calendar will be sent home at the beginning of each month indicating your day to provide snack. This will coincide with your child’s special day where they are given the opportunity to be the class leader, take the attendance to the office and do other special tasks.

Your child’s special day will also correspond with his/her birthday. On his/her birthday your child can bring in a special individual snack such as cupcakes or cookies to celebrate. Please refrain from bringing in cakes as it is difficult to cut and serve it to the entire class.

Please do not bring in any snacks containing nuts as nut allergies can be very severe or even fatal. All baked goods or special treats must be commercially purchased and be labelled nut-free.

The days of the week are designated to specific snack foods to provide a healthy variety of food.

Monday: washed and cut vegetables with or without dip-carrots, celery sticks, green/red peppers, cucumbers, broccoli, cauliflower etc.

Tuesday: crackers with cheese, cheese whiz, spreadable cream cheese

Wednesday: washed and cut fruit-apples, oranges, pears, bananas, grapes, strawberries etc.

Thursday: your choice of a healthy snack

Friday: cookies, muffins, rice krispy squares etc.
(must be commercially produced and labelled nut-free)


The Mystery Bag will be given to each child in turn on THURSDAY and they will present what they have placed in the bag on FRIDAY. The children use their questioning skills to guess what is in the bag.


Show and Tell for each child will be the same day as his/her SNACK DAY which will also ideally correspond to their BIRTHDAY (if their birthday falls on a weekend they will provide snack the previous Friday, and if your child's birthday falls in the summer months we will celebrate and do snack etc. in June).

Thank you for your continued support as always!
