Hello Parents,
Today in your child's TDSB bag you received an information sheet and permission form for the children to see the play "Frog and Toad" on December 1st (a.m. class) and December 2nd (p.m. class) at the Lorraine Kimsa Theatre. Please note that the permission forms and money are due back by Thursday, October 28. Four parent volunteers are required for this field trip (volunteers are free). Please indicate on your child's form if you are available to volunteer. Thank you!
Please remember to return your child's Snuggle Books each Friday so that s/he can receive a new one. Snuggle Books are a wonderful opportunity for you to read to your child or for your child to read to you. If your child is a beginning reader, you can help by pointing to the words as you read them and by talking about the books together.
We will be having a Hallowe'en Party on Friday, October 29. If you would like to contribute juice boxes, treats etc. please let your parent rep know and kindly drop them off before class starts. Thank you!
This week the Afternoon Class met their Reading Buddies from Mrs. Zappi's Grade Three Class. We look forward to a wonderful year working together to improve your child's reading abilities and to meet new friends! The Morning Class will meet their Reading Buddies in Mrs. Shklar's class in January.
Thank you to those parents who attended the Sharing assembly today. The children presented two poems -- Funny Turkey and Five Little Turkeys. Copies of these poems (and all the songs/poems we do) go home in the white TDSB bags.
Thank you very much to the parents who volunteered this week as Mystery Reader and Reading Club helper.
Have a wonderful weekend,
Mrs. Tyndall