Friday, February 16, 2018

Week of February 12-16

Dear families,

I hope you are having a very nice Family Day weekend! Spring weather is in the air!

I am VERY happy to be back at school! Thank you so much for your good wishes. Here is a recap of all the activities the children did over the past two weeks:

100th Day of School:

- counting to 100 by 1s, 5s and 10s
- putting the numbers in the correct order
- hall bulletin board display of each of the 100 items the children counted and brought in - great job!!!
- "count to 100 by 10s" centres with cube-a-links, buttons, dinosaurs, lids, disks, sea shells, stickers, snacks
- build a structure using 100 plastic cups
- "100 Ways to Celebrate" booklet
- "If I had $100.00 I would _______" writing
- "100 Days ago I didn't know _______ but now I do!" writing
- dab 100 "gumballs"
- decorate a hat with 100 dots

Reading Buddies:
- how to make paper snowflakes

Valentine's Day:

- symmetry heart (both sides the same)
- counting red and pink smarties
- counting cinnamon hearts
- bingo
- writing Valentine cards
- Song - "Skinnamarinky"
- "I love mt family because..."
- match Valentine words with pictures
- draw and write four red things
- make glitter lips
- sensory bin

January Calendar and "This is me in January"

Duffelbag Theatre visit - the kids LOVED it!

Huddle Up LKS-wide activity: "I feel happy when..."

Popcorn Words:


Planetarium Visit:

"This is me in the Planetarium" drawing and writing

Cosmic Kids Yoga:
- Alice in Wonderland
- Thought Bubbles
- We're Going on a Bear Hunt
- Zen Den - mindfulness

Groundhog Day:

- all about groundhogs
- sequencing activity ("if...then...")
- survey of which children thought the groundhog would see its shadow
- signs of Spring

Welcome to student teacher Miss. Patel who visited our class and will start her practicum with us next month.

Good luck to Miles who starts his new school on Monday! We will miss you!

It was a pleasure meeting with you this week and discussing your child's progress. Mrs. Mosun and I are very proud of the children and they continue to make excellent progress academically and socially. Keep up the excellent work!

I hope you have a lovely weekend with your family. See you on Tuesday!