Dear families,
I hope you have had a lovely long weekend. The weather was beautiful! Now that the weather is more Spring like, please put sun screen on your child since we do go outside each day for a minumum of 20 minutes.
This week we are continuing our unit on Canadian Coins and their value, and starting our unit on Insects as well. We are also watching our bean sprouts grow!
We have learned about the penny, the nickel and are learning about the dime this week. The children will adding the dime to their Money Book and they will also be making a booklet called "Piggy Bank Math" about those three coins. At the end of the booklet the children will attach a "piggy bank bag" to count and compare the coins and they will need: 10 pennies, 2 nickels, and one dime in a small zip lock bag. When the booklet goes home this weekend ask your child to count the money with you! Thank you!
Last week the afternoon Book Buddies made a booklet called My Seed with the children and this week the morning children will make theirs.
This week is the Scholastic Book Fair at the Library. The morning class will go on Friday and the afternoon class will go on Thursday. If your child would like to buy a book/books please send your child's money to school in a labelled zip lock bag.
We are nearing the end of our Phonics sounds and are now on the letter sound "W." Way to go!
Have a wonderful week!
Mrs. Tyndall