Hello families,
We continued our unit on Community Helpers with a class visit from Bob, our Crossing Guard. I am also arranging a visit from Ron Jones, a Toronto Firefighter. He visited my classroom last year and did a wonderful job teaching the children about safety.
We are learning to count by 5s and to understand the concepts of the numbers 1-10, i.e. that 5=1+4, 2+3, 5+0; 10=9+1, 8+2, 7+3, etc. We also finished our St. Patrick's Day booklets with our Reading Buddies and presented a St. Patrick's day skit during our Sharing Assembly. The children did a wonderful job!
Thank you so much to this week's Parent Volunteers: Reading Club was done by Carly's mom and Taylor's mom; Mystery Readers were Anna's mom and Sam's mom; TDSB bags were done by Charlie's mom and Logan's mom; Snuggle Books were done by Mrs. Tyndall and Logan's mom.
I have ordered Painted Lady Butterfly Larvae from Boreal and they should arrive the week of April 16! The children will learn about the life cycle of the butterfly and when the larvae change to pupae and then butterflies, we will release them outside! We will also be learning about the life cycle of plants and have made booklets with five different kinds of seeds (corn, allspice, coriander, cardamom and caraway). We will be planting mini watermelon seeds as well and the plants will be ready to plant in your gardens in May.
Have a great weekend!