Dear families,
I hope you're enjoying this beautiful Fall weather! This was another busy week in Room 166. A big welcome to our new JK student Edward! Thank you so much to our Grade Parents Leah and Tina who compiled the class email list. You should have received an email from them by now regarding the Terry Fox Walk. If you didn't, please let them know. Thank you!
This week we continued our book study on Peter J. Reynold's lovely book "The Dot." We followed up our study by making our own beautiful art using washable markers and water. We are also making large class dots to demonstrate how we all need to work together. These will be on display on our classroom bulletin board. Next week we will extend this to science, and the children will do an experiment with a black dot.
In numeracy, we practiced making the numbers 1-10 and the children did their first calendars. On the back of the calendar, they drew a picture of themselves in September at school and wrote (or received help writing) what their picture was about. The children also played with several different kids of math manipulatives, such as shapes, small blocks, colourful toys, and dice. With them, they made structures, counted, sorted, made a pattern, put them in order (small, bigger, biggest) or played "make believe" with them.
The children did a very good job listening at the Terry Fox Assembly and at the school-wide Sharing Assembly. The format of Sharing Assemblies is different this year. Our class' Sharing Assembly will be in June. Lots of time to prepare something for the whole school!
As a follow up to our Terry Fox Walk around the school (thank you to Sophie's mom for walking with us!), the children have started writing about when they were brave like Terry.
Congratulations to Abigail and Reina who received certificates for demonstrating the TDSB Character Trait of Respect. Each child will receive a certificate throughout the year.
On Monday it is Crazy Hair Day!
Our letter of the week was Ii. We made new words with magnetic letters and wrote them on chart paper. With the letters Ss Aa Tt and Ii we could make SAT, AT, IT, AS, A, SIT and I. Our next letter/sound will be Pp.
The sight words of the week were IN and SEE.
The SKs who brought in pictures of their pets drew them and wrote some words about them. If they don't have a pet, they wrote about an imaginary pet! With our Reading Buddies, the children finished a little booklet about a dog and did two mini booklets called "pets" and "dogs."
Thank you so much to our volunteers this week: Reina's dad was the Mystery Reader, and Reina's dad and Ella's mom volunteered to help with Pizza Lunch!
Please subscribe to this blog so that you always receive notifications about the awesome activity in your child's classroom! I hope you have a great weekend!