Wow our first full week with all the students in class is over and I was so pleased to see how the children are learning our classroom routines and rules so quickly.
I have sent home work we have done in this week's white TDSB bag. If your child was not able to complete hisor her work in class, please help them do it for homework and return it next week.
A big thank you to our Grade Parents for volunteering for this important position: Sheila Solby and Dee Shepherd for the Morning Class, and Tamara Barclay and Simone O'Sullivan for the Afternoon Class. They will be the contact people for classroom volunteering this year and they have sign up sheets if you would like to sign up to be Mystery Reader, do Reading Club, or help with Friday's Book/white TDSB bags, as well as assistance with classroom parties (Hallowe'en, e.g.). They will have the sign up sheets on Curriculum Night as well.
This Tuesday it is "Toonie Tuesday" and LKS is collecting for Seeds of Hope in Africa which helps build schools. Please consider donating a toonie on Tuesday. Thank you.
The Terry Fox pledge forms have also been sent home and should be returned as soon as possible. Thank you!
Kindergarten Curriculum Night is Thursday, September 22 at 5:30 p.m. in the gym. I am looking forward to seeing everyone then.
Next week we will be reading Chicka Chicka Boom and doing alphabet-related activities. If you have this wonderful book at home please read it to your children. They love it!
Have a wonderful weekend,
Mrs. Tyndall