Thursday, January 26, 2012

Thursday, January 26

What a busy week it has been! Yesterday Story Teller Cheryl Thorton told the children wonderful stories from all over the world.

Sam the Space Man has arrived! He will help us remember to put spaces between our words. I will make a Space man for each of the SK children that they can also bring to Grade One in September.

SKs are bringing home a list of "100 most frequently used words." All children are bringing home 5 of these words per week to practice at home; this week's words are A, DID, HER, OVER and THIS.

The Afternoon Class is starting Reading Buddies next week with Mrs. Zappi's class! This is a wonderful weekly opportunity for children to read and be read to by chidlren in the LKS community, as well as make new friends!

Thank you to this week's volunteers: Gramma Shirley and Sam's mom did Reading Club; Lola's Dad and Raine's dad were the Mystery Readers; White Bags and Snuggle Books were done by Anna's mom and Olivia's mom. Thank you!

Just a reminder that the children need indoor shoes or slippers (Crocs are easy for the children to get on and off) that remain in their cubbies. Also, some children are still arriving at school with no snow pants, hats or gloves – please make sure they have these items since they play outside each day. Please encourage your children to dress and undress themselves each day to promote independence. Snow pants, coats, hats, scarves, boots, and lastly mitts.

Parent-Teacher Interviews will be February 15-17 and are booked online. The JKs will be receiving their first Progress Report this term and the SKs do not receive a Progress Report this term. Both JKs and SKs receive a report in June. I have requested some parents to meet with me to discuss their child’s progress. I will let you know the "Event Code" to book interviews at as soon as the office makes it available to us.

There are many excellent iPad Apps that reinforce letter and word recognition, basic math skills, and printing and drawing skills. They are fun and very helpful! Here is a list of some we recommend:

Word Bingo
Reading Skills 1, 2 and 3
Spelling Magic abc 1, 2 and 3
Sentence Magic 1
ABC Magic 2 and 3
Montessori Words
Math Series
Mad Math
Coin Swap
Math Bingo
Big Trace
Learn to Write - especially for JKs!
Doodle Buddy
Sound Sorting

Please remember to prepare and send in your child's 100 items for our 100th Day of School Celebrations on February 10th. Thank you to all the parents who volunteered for this special day!

Valentine’s Day is coming soon! I would ask that your child remember to include one Valentine for each of their classmates. The children's names can be found on the list of contact information you received in September. Letting your child write them out on their own is great practise using a capital for the first letter in someone’s name and lower case letters for the rest if possible. Students can start bringing in their Valentines on February 7th and we will sort them together. Please remember that any treats must be labelled nut-free.

We will be having a Valentine Party on Valentine's Day starting at 10:00 (morning class) and 2:00 (afternoon class). I will need 5 volunteers for each class to help with the activities and crafts. Please let your Grade Parent know if you are available to volunteer. If you would like to bring in juice boxes and or nut- free valentines treats please let your Grade Parent know as well.

Thank you and have a wonderful weekend.