Dear families,
This week we focused on Remembrance Day activities in preparation for the Assembly on Friday. The children listened very respectively during the assembly and I was very proud of their attentiveness. We completed a cutting, pasting and word tracing poppy craft, completed the sentence "I was brave when..." in writing with an accompanying drawing, practiced our two poems (see below), completed our JK and SK Number books (if they were sent home incomplete please return them after your child has completed the booklet), the SKs read and matched Autumn Words (good reading!) and the Alphabet Worm, and the JKs and SK made a Canada Goose craft; we are starting anew unit about changing seasons and what animals do when winter comes.
Our Poems this week were"Little Poppy" (to the tune of Frere Jacques) and "Down, down" (spoken aloud):
Little Poppy little poppy
Red and Black, red and black
It helps me to remember, it helps me to remember
To be a kind friend, to be a kind friend.
Down, down, down, down
The leaves are falling
In their lovely dresses
Of red and brown
Down, down, down, down
While the flowers sleep,
Careful as you run along
Don't make a peep.
Please practice reading these poems with your child. The children are doing a wonderful job of reading and recognizing these words, guessing which one comes next, and sounding them out. Good job!
Thank you so much to this week's Parent Volunteers:
Reading Club: Sarah's Grandma Shirley/ Cameron D's mom
Mystery Reader: Charlie's mom/ Nico's mom
White bags and Snuggle Books: Ava's mom/Mrs. Tyndall
I look forward to speaking with you about your child's progress this week during Parent/Teacher Interviews.
Mrs. Tyndall