Welcome back to school after a nice winter break! I hope everyone had a lovely holiday. Just a few short notes for this week:
We have two new children in our morning classroom! Please welcome twins Jonas and Emma to our school community!
Thank you to this week's parent volunteers - Mystery Readers were Carly's dad and Lewis' mom. Remember to email your Grade Parents if you would like to volunteer in the classroom. Please also check your schedule to ensure you remember that you have volunteered. Thank you.
Snow is finally here! Please encourage your child's independence by practising putting on snowpants, then boots, then coat (zippered) then hat, scarf, and finally mittens. Remember also that your child needs indoor shoes/slippers that remain in their cubby. Thank you.
February 10th is the 100th Day of School! We have been counting in 10s and 1s since September and have been learning our numbers in anticipation of this special day. We will celebrate 100th Day by doing a lot of fun numeracy activities. Please help us celebrate and learn by counting with your child and bringing in 100 small items. They could be pennies, sea shells, popsicle sticks, buttons, cotton balls, cheerios, grains of rice, noodles, stars, stamps, shapes, Smarties, etc. Ideally they would be arranged in 10 rows of 10. Please bring your 100 items in by the 10th of February. If you would like to volunteer to help at our 100 Day Party/Craft Day please let your Grade Parent know. I will need five volunteers for each class. If you have volunteered before please consider letting another parent have the opportunity to volunteer as well.
Have a wonderful weekend!