Dear families,
The last week of school! Hard to believe...
I hope you are enjoying what remains of this lovely weekend. Last week we talked and wrote about what the children want to be when they grow up, their "summer bucket list" (what they wanted to do this summer), and summer vocabulary. The SKs are also completing a booklet called "The Very Happy Senior Kindergartener" which is a summary of all the learning they did this year. The children read their booklets and drew accompanying pictures. The JKS started a booklet called "Summer, Summer, What Do You See?" (inspired by Eric Carle's "Brown Bear, Brown Bear...." ).
Thank you to Dana C. and Julia's mom who read to the children. Thank you to Lauren's mom to did the morning white bags.
This week will be exciting and busy - we will be rehearsing for the SK Graduation ceremony, finishing our year-end booklets, the SKs will be graduating to Grade One, the children will be receiving their report cards, it will be pizza lunch on the lawn, and the children will attend the school-wide assembly on Friday. Whew!
Last week and this week your child's white bag will have notes on summer work - sounds to practice (JKs) and Sight Word lists (SKs). I also hope you encourage your child to keep a journal this summer. Not only will it help them maintain and improve their writing skills, one day it will be a wonderful keepsake.
I hope you have a wonderful week!