Dear families,
Spring has sprung in Room 166 and the kids are doing a lot of bunny- and egg-themed activities! They made booklets and read called The Bunny, another called Five Spring Flowers, and a third called The Bunny Can. Making these little books helps the children feel confident as readers and writers, which is awesome. We also did our April calendars and our This is Me in April writing and illustrating. I am so impressed with how far the children have come as readers and writers. Wonderful!!
With our Grade 2/3 Reading Buddies, the morning children wrote a booklet called Rain, and the afternoon children made a booklet called Spring Is.
This upcoming week we are going to write books called Easter Is and Spring Is, consolidating the vocabulary we have been learning to read and spell.
Thank you for bringing in your eggs. Please bring them by Tuesday at the latest. Thank you!
May Scholastic orders are due on May 31. Thank you for your orders; they help support the purchase of classroom books.
April 17 is Wear Black to school day to support the We are Silent Day in support of children without a voice.
I am looking forward to our Easte/Spring party on Thursday.
I hope you have a wonderful week!