Dear families,
I hope everyone has had a wonderful Family Day!
Last week was action-packed: the 100th Day of School party on Monday and our Valentines Day party on Friday. Many thanks to the parents who volunteered their time and brought treats as well. Thank you Caroline's mom, Lily G.'s mom, Lexa's mom, Lauren's mom, Quentin's mom, Dexter's mom, Brady's mom, Lily M.'s mom, Cole's mom, Rhys' mom, and Olivia's dad! The kids had a lot of fun! At the Valentine party they made glitter art hearts, Valentine birds, a foam Valentine word heart, they counted (and ate!) 20 smarties and graphed and counted (and ate!) valentine word candy, played cinnamon heart number bingo, and decorated, cut and made a kite/mobile. At the 100th Day party the children did several crafts and activities based on the number 100. Our next classroom party will be the Spring/Easter party in April.
With our Reading Buddies this week we read and coloured a booklet called The Olympics, and did Valentine sorting. This week the JKs cut and coloured Valentines and the SKs did Valentine word rhymes and addition. The SKs also did a 100 chart activity in which they correctly sorted the numbers 1-100 by tens. Their homework this weekend was to think of, draw and label six things that are red. The SKs should also complete the sentences "I wish I could eat 100 _______, I wish I could buy 100 _________, I wish I could see 100 __________." I sent home suggestions as to how to reinforce the numbers 1-20 (JK) and 1-100 (SK) at home.
Thank you very much to Lily G.'s mom, Quentin's mom and Dexter's mom for doing the white bags and snuggle books this week.
This week we will continue our Olympic folder - graphing activities, writing and reading activities, art activities. Go Canada go! If there is time I would love to do a unit on Arctic Animals the following week as well. With no end in sight to this long and cold winter I think it would be a good theme!
I hope you have a wonderful week.