We are now on Set Three of Jolly Phonics and Set Two has been sent home. Great work!
Our Sharing Assembly will be on Monday and we will be performing a very short skit about St. Patrick's Day and singing a song about the rain. All are invited to attend.
Please remember that Scholastic Orders are due April 1st. Thank you.
The children met with their Reading Buddies and completed Easter colouring pages together after reading books together.
Today was a very special day for the kids thanks to our visit from Firefighter Captain Ron Jones. Ron taught the children about safety in and outside the home and the children listened attentively to his lessons. Great job, and thank you Firefighter Ron!
This week's "refridgerator door words" (on the red strip of paper) are "come, look, here". Please practice these words at home.
Finally, thank you to our Parent Volunteers this week: Reading Club was done by David's mom and Hana's mom, our Mystery Reader was Alexandra's mom, and the morning class white bags and snuggle books were prepared by Jamie's mom. Your help is always appreciated.
Have a nice weekend,
Mrs. Tyndall