Dear families,
Kindergarten in Room 166 is well under way and we had a terrific first week! The new JKs and SKs are learning our classroom routines and are making new friends every day. We completed our first "This is Me" sheet and started counting our days as well.
On Friday you received a lot of important information and forms in your child's white bag that should be read carefully. All forms should be completed and returned in your child's white bag tomorrow, Monday. Thank you.
Our Afternoon Class met with their Reading Buddies from Ms. Sunde's grade 2/3 class for the first time on Friday! The grade 2/3s interviewed my class and had fun getting to know them. This week our Morning Class will meet with their Reaung Buddies from Ms. Shklar's Grade 3 class. Reading Buddies meet once a week in my room. I look forward to another wonderful and productive year with our Reading Buddies!
Please join me in welcoming our Grade Parents - Morning Class: Tim Ryder + one more tbd
- Afternoon Class: Liza Snowden, Erica Bower
I hope you will attend Curriculum Night on Tuesday, September 10. I look forward to seeing you at our Kindergarten Presentation at 5:30 in the gym. I will have hand-outs for you in my classroom as well.
Please feel free to contact me at any time if you have any questions. I look forward to another terrific year with your wonderful children!
Yours in partnership,
Beverley Tyndall