Hello Parents,
This week your child's tomato plants are going home! It is safe to plant them in the garden or in a pot. Tomato plants like fertilizer and lots of water and sunshine. They will also need to be supported as they grow taller and need about 20 cm of space around them. Good luck!
Thank you to all the parents who submitted their pizza forms. The Kindergarten Pizza Lunch on the Lawn is a treat at the end of the year and it is an opportunity for your child to feel like a big kid (Grades 1-8 participate in Pizza Lunches throughout the year). Forms and money are due to me by June 1.
Thank you to our parent volunteers - Reading CLub was Maya's mom and Hana's mom, the Mystery Readers were Sarah's sister and Sasha's mom, and the bags and snuggle books were done by Griffin's mom and Lola's mom.
We are continuing to learn about Life Cycles as we watch our chrysalids slowly grow and turn into butterflies. Feel free to drop by to see them.
I have sent some of the SK children's Phonics Duotangs home so that they can catch up and complete Set 3; we are working on Sets 4 and 5.
Next week we will be continuing to review our numbers and I am completing assessments in preparation for Report Cards which go home on June 29th. Both JKs and SKs receive Report Cards.
We also completed writing projects in our journals about Springfest and about wishes. Please continue to encourage your children to sound out words.
Have a wonderful long weekend!
Mrs. Tyndall