Dear families,
On Friday the children took home all their amazing work and learning about birds! Well done! They watched two short documentaries about Blue Jays and learned why they are blue and their characteristics and personalities. They learned about their habitat, diet and young, and completed a flip book. Thank you Alex for sharing your knowledge about sports teams that are named after birds! The kids thought it was funny that Blue Jays steal eggs and nests, just like the Toronto Blue Jays steal bases! The children also learned about the diet, habitat and features of red cardinals and we practised drawing them on dry erase boards. The children also counted and wrote numbers with Angry Birds. We completed our fact books about owls and the seniors did a summative book all about owls. Good job! The juniors coloured an owl and then "camouflaged" it for night time hunting by painting it light black. We also read more fiction and non-fiction books about owls (The Curious Little Owl who says "Why-why" instead of "Who-who" and All About Owls. You can help your child learn how to recognize bird calls on the Audobon app, and there is also an app called "Song Sleuth" that uses your phone's microphone to identify birds by their song.
Our Cosmic Kids yoga adventures were The Dodo Bird, The Owl and the Guard Dog, Rainbow Waterfall, Peace Out Zen Den, and Star Wars for May 4.
The words of the week were THAT and THERE. Please complete the THAT and THERE mini read-and-write booklets for homework. Next week's words will be DID and SOME.
Next week we will start our numeracy inquiry on Canadian Money. We'll open a Pizza Pizza Restaurant in the Dramatic Play Centre and will learn about Healthy Habits and where our fruit and vegetables come from. Our flowers are growing well and we'll plant them in the Kindergarten next week. We will learn how to grow new food from scraps of old food (potatoes, onions, garlic, carrots, herbs, for example)and why we compost our food scraps. We'll also learn about why some food (such as chips, pop and candy) are "sometimes" food and not "every day" food.
Thank you so much to Ethan's mom who was the Mystery Reader this week! Thank you Ethan for letting us borrow your books for a few more days!
Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy this lovely Spring weather!