Dear families,
Thank you to everyone who attended the Sharing Assembly and congratulations to the children who received certificates for Cooperation.
It's been a busy two weeks. The children made several booklets: Spring is..., Easter is..., Here is a..., and I Know it's Spring. This week we'll write about the rain and will continue our unit on measurement. The SKs did Easter addition and egg patterning.
When your child's bean has sprouted and grown a leaf s/he will take it home. Put it in a small pot in a sunny place and help your child care for it for about 2-3 weeks when you can safely plant it outside. Since it will climb, stake it and/or plant it next to a fence. If all goes well you and your child will be able to eat beans this summer!
This past week was Earth Week and we did several related activities. Please take time to read all the wonderful work your child brings home in his/her white bag each week. I am so impressed with how hard the children work and how far they've come in a few short months.
Thank you to parents who have helped in the classroom over the last few weeks: Lexa's mom, Anderson's mom, Kai B.'s mom, Lily's mom, Caroline's mom, Clive's mom and Megan's dad.
I'll leave you with the little poem we learned and that is on the paper bag your child brought home (to help take care of the Earth):
In this bag I will place
Lots of litter and some waste.
I want to help our earth stay clean,
And keep nature looking green.
To the world I'd like to say,
"Let's make every day an Earth Day!"
I hope you have a wonderful week!