Dear families,
I hope you had a wonderful time at Springfest - the weather has been beautiful!
Now that the warmer weather is here, I would like to ask that you send a hat with your child and apply sunscreen as well. Your cooperation is much appreciated.
In Language, we have covered a lot of ground with the Jolly Phonics program. Over the last few weeks we have focused on the letter sounds "o", "u", "l", "f", amd "j". This week we are focusing on "V".
The SKs and the JKs continue to work on their phonics duotangs and write in their journals regularly. It is lovely to see the incredible effort the children put into their journal work and I love seeing the progress the children have made. The SK children have also completed a little booklet called "I Know it's Spring."
In Math we are beginning our unit on Canadian coins and their values. Both the JK and SK children are learning to recognize and identify coins. I will be changing the Home Centre to a Pizza Store for this unit which I think the children will really enjoy. The SK children are working on a Money booklet and the JKs are completing identification activities for each coin we learn. We will learn all the coins up to and including the $2.00 coin.
Thank you in advance to the parents who are volunteering to assist our Artist in the Classroom on May 7 and thank you to Parent Council for funding this special day.
We will also be planting our bean seeds this week and learning about germination and what plants need to grow. The children will be making booklets and completing writing activities about how seeds grow.
Have a wonderful week! Go Leafs!
Mrs. Tyndall