Dear families,
Happy Friday! We had another wonderful week in Room 166! The children did a WONDERFUL job at today's Sharing Assembly, singing "Hello" in the 29 different languages of their families, and then singing "This Fabulous Year." Thank you for coming, parents! The kids were very happy to see you there!
Thank you so much to our Mystery Readers this week! They were Sophie (who read a book she made!!), Sophie's mom, Mrs. Selby-Munro, and Ayla's mom!
Monday was an exciting day as we watched the Raptor's Parade and started our 10-more-days-left-of-school countdown. The Special Person of the Day gets to take down an ice cream scoop each day as we count down to summer! The children talked about all the fun things they would like to do this summer, and wrote a beach "bucket list" that is on display in our hallway.
The SKs are very excited to be able to play in the "Big Kids' Yard" during outdoor play time, just like when they will do in Grade One! They also learned a Graduation poem that spells out "Kindergarten."
The kids enjoyed learning how to draw a Minion using their little white boards. It's amazing what they can learn to draw just breaking down the picture into steps.
In today's mailbag you will find the children's drawings and writing about the Robin's nest and their "still life" paintings of lilacs. The Learning Objectives were to develop: small motor skills; art appreciation; senses; creativity; hand-eye coordination; visual learning skills; decision-making skills; perseverance; focus. I have sent the children's Phonics Duotangs home as well - if they are not finished, that would be a good thing to work on over the summer.
The children are getting very good at their yoga poses through Cosmic Kids Yoga, and their self-regulations skills are steadily improving with our daily mindful meditation.
We said Good Bye" to Ethan since he is going to Austria for the summer. We will see you in September, Ethan.
If anyone would like to take care of Bubbles the Beta Fish this summer, please email me. You will need to provide a small tank.
That's the news from this week. I hope you have a lovely weekend! Next Thursday is the last day of school - please let me know if your child will be absent so that I can ensure everything is sent home. Thank you!