Saturday, September 19, 2015

Helping Your Child in Kindergarten

Helping Your Child in Kindergarten

1. Ensure that your child has adequate sleep and a regular bedtime. A well-balanced diet is also essential for your child to do his/her best at school.
2. Read stories suited to your child’s interests and ability to understand.
3. Answer your child’s questions and encourage curiousity. Give your child words for things that interest him/her.
4. Take your child to various places outside the home and talk about what s/he sees, e.g. library, stores, zoo, museum, art gallery, friend’s houses, park, etc.
5. Give your child plenty of time to get ready for school. Allow enough time to dress as independently as possible. Your child is very proud to be able to get dressed independently! Help him/her think about the order in which clothes are put on e.g. legs in snowsuits first, then arms; boots, hat, scarf and mittens last.
6. Your child learns responsibility by taking care of and putting away belongings.
7. Provide your child with a toy storage area. Open shelves allow your child to get out and put away toys easily. Your child can help you label the bins!
8. Have your child keep a pair of indoor shoes at school such as Crocs. This ensures that s/he will have suitable footwear during the school year.
9. Provide materials for active outdoor play, such as balls, bicycles and scooters.
10. Supervise the amount of t.v. and media, devices, etc. your child watches.
11. Friendships are very important to development. Encourage your child to invite his/her friends to play dates.
12. Speak to me about any concerns or new problems that arise. Interviews can be arranged by calling the school office (416-394-7890).
13. Discipline: Have suitable and prompt consequences for misbehaviour. Provide explanations for the consequences and make sure your child understands. Rules should be easy to understand. Positive reinforcement works best!
14. Talk to your child about school as an interesting and fun place to go; a place where s/he will have fun and learn many new things. Reinforce learning by telling your child, as s/he talks about school, all the things s/he is learning!
15. Read with your child each day. Enjoy this special time with your child!

Yours in partnership,

Mrs. Tyndall 

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