Sunday, June 14, 2015

Week of June 15-19

Dear families,

I hope you are having a great weekend in spite of today's rain!

Last week we continued learning about safety, and focused on road safety and Elmer's 7 Safety Rules. We also learned and talked about Camping Safety and Cottage Safety. The children read and coloured books about Camping Safety. I opened up a new centre in the "home centre" area complete with a camping tent, a pretend camp fire, a "canoe," fishing rods and a "lake," flashlights, and sleeping bags! The kids love it! They take turns in the Camping Area, playing in 2s, so that 4 children get to play there each day (2 in the morning, 2 in the afternoon).

We also did a "Risk Watch Knowledge Test," in which the children circled pictures that showed the safest of various situations. We read "Stop, Drop and Roll," and the children also learned that "Leaves of 3, let them be" (i.e. poison ivy!) and we looked at photos of real poison ivy to help the children identify it.

We also wrote a book called "I Love my Dad because..." which the dads will receive this Sunday on Father's Day, along with some beautiful art the children made.

All the butterflies hatched from the pupas and the children were very excited to see that. Two of them hatched before our very eyes! We wrote our last page in our Butterfly Science Journal and let the butterflies free in the playground. The children also wrote "If I were a butterfly I would..."

Lots of Thank Yous this week: Avery's mom and Martel's moms helped out in the Computer Lab, Olivia's mom was a Mystery Reader, Will (Matthew H.'s brother) and Kaden from Mrs. Wilson's class pair-share read a book, lots of children brought in 3D objects from home to share with the class, Adam brought in a book about Monarchs, and Sophie brought in a photo of a swallowtail butterfly that landed on a tree at their house.

On Wednesday we will have our last Sharing Assembly. Olivia, Elizabeth and Jack will receive certificates for the important character trait of Perseverance. Way to go!

If anyone would like to take care of Bubbles the Beta Fish during the summer I would appreciate it! He is very easy to take care of. Let me know!

If you know that your child will not be at school of the last day, please let me know so that I can give him/her a year-end gift before hand. Thank you!

Next week we will continue our Inquiry on Safety and the children will bring this folder home on Friday.

I hope you have a terrific week!

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