Sunday, September 9, 2012

Dear Parents,

The first week of school went very well and I would like to welcome all my new students and their parents to my classroom. Welcome back to all my returning students and their parents. It's hard to believe they're in SK now! It's going to be a wonderful year!

Please take some time to read my last posting, "Kindergarten Handbook for Parents." It contains a lot of helpful information about the Kidnergarten years and has fun ideas about how to help your child at home as well.

In this week's white TDSB bag were instructions on how to make the "Bedtime Book Box." When you have made it with your child, please bring it in so s/he can show the class! The Bedtime Book Box is a great way to inspire your child to read the weekely Snuggle Up and Read Books as well as other special books they may want to put in their box.

Your family also received information in this week's white bags about Anchor Words, the ABCs of Craft Supplies, and Reading Tips.

Please return the Personal Information Sheet/Topics I Want My Child to Write About This Year sheet by MONDAY so that your Grade Parents can start compiling class lists (handy for play dates and birthday parties!). Thank you.

September 11 is Curriculum Night! It starts in the gym at 5:30 and then parents are welcome to go to my classroom for follow-up questions and to sign up for Volunteer opportunities in the classroom. I will forward this volunteer list to my Grade Parents who will then enter the volunteers into monthly calendars and will email the class if more volunteers are swtill needed. Kindergarten Curriculum Night ends at 6:30 when the teachers need to return to the gym for introductions. The Grade 1-8 teachers will then have their Curriculum Night presentations. The Kindergarten Curriculum will be posted on Ms. Caddel's Blog at the end of the week.

This week the kids learned about Routines and used their new Memo books to start writing! They also talked and wrote about the summer and about how old they are. I am very happy to see that many of the JKs already know how to print their names.

If you will be volunteering in the classroom you will need to fill out a Police Check Form available at the office.

Your child received the first Scholastic Order Forms this month. Scholastic is a great program for reasonably-priced books and is a great way to support your child's classroom and get free/discounted books and materials for the classroom. Please support Scholastic. Books make wonderful gifts!

I need three parent volunteers for our Terry Fox Walk (around the school) on September 27, and one volunteer each week for Mr. Blais' Computer Lab Class. Sign up on Curriculum Night!

The LKS Photo Days are on September 19-20. Since LKS is a big school Photo Days are two days. I will let you know which day is your child's Photo Day. There will also be a Retake Day and a Sibling Photo Day. More information to follow.

A Special thank you to my helpers this week: Lexa's mom and Logan's mom did the white bags, and the Snuggle Books were done by Daphne Vescio, one of my wonderful LKS Student Helpers. Thank you so much! Please be sure to read and return your child's Snuggle Book so that s/he can receive and read a new one!

I would also like to say a very special Thank You to this year's Grade Parents: Cole's dad, Caroline's mom and Anna's mom in the morning class, and Quentin's mom and Chloe's mom in the afternoon class. The Grade Parents work very hard at organizing our parent volunteers and communicating from LKS Parent Council to home.

I hope you are having a wonderful weekend. Please return your white bags, Snuggle Books and forms by Monday. Please send me an email if you have any questions at

Mrs. Tyndall

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