Saturday, June 2, 2012

Saturday, June 1

Please excuse the lack of formatting/paragraphs - this is a new bog format and I can't seem to figure that out yet... This week we learned about the dime and quarter and opened up our store in the Dramatic Play centre. The kids love it! They also are working on Money Booklets and sang the Money Song at this week's Sharing Assembly. They also recited a little poem called "I Look in the Mirror" to complement this month's TDSB character trait of Integrity. We also listed to the big book "Squirrel Store" and learned about Special Coins (for example, those used to commemorate the Vancouver Olympics). We are also learning about the concept of 5 which ties in nicely with the unit on money. Our next and last unit this year will be on 3-Shapes. The kids also had fun in the listening centre listening to Five Little Monkeys along with the accompanying puppets. We had two special guests come into each class to talk about Grade One: Jamie M. and Daniel answered questions for the Morning Class and Alexandra and Jamie L. talked to the Afternoon Class about Grade One. The SKs are excited about moving on to full day school and it was great to hear the Grade Ones share their experiences! We are also working on a special Father's Day craft that the children will bring home on the 15th. This week we learned and reviewed the Jolly Phonics letter sound "v." The children's reading is really coming along and I am very proud of them! Below is a summary of the Jolly Phonics sounds we have learned (JKs) and reviewed (SKs): JK Parents – Please review the following Jolly Phonics Sounds with your child: s a t i p n c k e h r m d g o u l f b j z w v y x SK Parents – Your child has learned and reviewed sounds and should review the following two-letter sounds: ai oa ie ee or ng oo (long and short) ch sh th qu ou oi ue er ar Remember – if you can read it, you can write it ! Continue to practise the sounds daily and have fun sounding out these words! cup on get flip kick land pig fun gas band pen dad bun hog loft run hop gift flap log leg mud bit rot from its let up grill tub top spot pot lick but lap sniff flag mom soft brick fan frog slip flat luck fog lamp grip pack grin sink stop spill big spin bug sift ring lad gap fin spell frill hem peck gruff sun gulp ill egg in at rat pest hip nap met tin tap pet tan sing spend quilt chair shell pie boat buzz Please have fun reading the weekly laminated file folders I have made of the Letter Sounds and return them so that your child can get a new one. Thank you so much to the Parent Volunteers who took the time to help out in the classroom this week: Bags and Snuggle Books were done by Sienna's mom and Taylor's mom, Mystery Reader was Ava's Mom, and Reading Club was done by Charlie's mom. If anyone has any Wedgits stacking toys that they are not using we would love them in the classroom. Thank you! Have a wonderful weekend!

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