Saturday, June 3, 2017

Week of May 29 - June 2

Dear families,

What gorgeous weather we are having! I hope you are having a great weekend and are having fun at Springfest!

This week was busy in Room 166. Thank you as always to our amazing volunteers - Rielle's dad was the Mystery Reader this week!

One of the caterpillars changed into a pupa and is hanging upside down in its little container. When all the 6 caterpillars have done this, we will move them to a new large net so they can fly around when they emerge from this stage in about 2 weeks. The children did a lot of learning about butterflies and caterpillars this week and their folders went home on Friday. They worked on symmetry, completing the other half of a butterfly (a mirror image) with their reading buddies; watched time-lapse videos of metamorphosis; learned new butterfly facts (they taste with their feet!); completed caterpillar ABC and 1-20 work; coloured and then drew a life cycle wheel themselves; traced and coloured in butterfly shapes, making sure they were symmetrical; did a butterfly colour-by-number sheet; completed and read a "caterpillar walk" booklet with position adjectives (in, around, over, on, below, eg.); looked at leaves in the Kindergarten garden that had holes in it because "caterpillars nibbled through!"; saw an inch worm; re-told the Very Hungry Caterpillar story with flash cards and manipulatives; sequenced the story with pictures; and read fiction and non-fiction caterpillar and butterfly books. The numeracy component of this inquiry was learning about symmetry, sequencing and writing numbers.

Thank you so much to Ruby and Catherine for singing the "This Land is Your Land" and "Land of the Silver Birch" for us! I will be teaching the children these songs as part of our Canada inquiry. Your probably know them yourselves! Thank you Catherine for sharing your beautiful dreamcatcher with us.

In our inquiry on Canada, we did "H is for hockey/I is for inukshuk/J is for Jasper" in our ABCs of Canada booklets. We learned all about Inukshuks. I brought a small one in from home and we learned how they are made, what they are, why the Inuit people of Canada's north make them, and what shape they are. Then the children cut and assembled one themselves out of paper, then drew one freehand. Good job!

The words of the week were FUN and FRIEND. IN the computer lab the kids played on and learned more about caterpillars.

The June words sheet and homework bingo went home in Friday's mail bag. It's hard to believe that it's June already!

Senior Kindergarten students, please send in a baby picture by June 8 for the Senior Kindergarten graduation video. Thank you.

Thank you to everyone who donated to our basket for the silent auction.  It looks great! Have fun at Springfest!

That's the news for this week. See you on Monday!

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Week of May 22-26

Dear families,

I hope you are having a lovely weekend! What gorgeous Spring weather!

This week we started a mini art inquiry on The Group of Seven ("G is for Group of Seven") in our inquiry on Canada. We are learning more about nature and the seasons from their beautiful paintings. If you have a chance to take your children to the McMichael Gallery in Kleinburg, or to the AGO, they would be able to see the real paintings of colouring they did themselves. The children learned about the WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHEN WHY and HOW of the Group of Seven, and many of them know and have been to parts of Ontario where the Group painted (Algonquin Park and Georgian Bay, for example). We talked about why they painted nature, how they traveled to the north, how they camped, and the children tried to figure out how they made such big paintings there (they didn't - they traveled with a small box with slats for wood panels that they painted on both sides, and chose ones they liked the best to replicate on large canvasses back in Toronto). The children practiced simple coding exercises by following step-by-step instructions to colour Lawren Harris' "Mountain and Lake" and and Tom Thomson's "The West Wind." They then did a step-by-step painting in the style of Tom Thomson's "Northern Lights." Hint! Father's Day is coming!! The children watched a beautiful video about what the Aurora Borealis (Northern Lights) is on the Smart Board and did a colouring sheet about it. We also read two books about the Aurora Borealis Indigenous myth. Next week we will learn about indigenous painter Norval Morrisseau whose works are also at the McMichael Gallery. He painted in vibrant primary colours, which the children will love. We will also learn about symmetry from his paintings.

Next week we will continue our ABCs of Canada and will talk and write about where we have traveled in Canada and/or where we are going to travel in Canada this summer!

Thank you so much to Alex who brought in wonderful books about Canada and a beautiful map book. Thank you as well to James' and Hudson's moms who helped with Friday's pizza lunch.

Our Caterpillar larvae have arrived! We read The Very Hungry Caterpillar, and will be learning all about the life cycle of the butterfly. They will start to form their pupas in about two weeks. It will be very exciting when we have butterflies to see and release into the yard!

Thursday was a very special day because Terry Fox's brother Fred came to LKS to participate in our assembly. Our class was Team Orange and had fun cheering on their team's tricycle racers!

It was also our May Sharing Assembly, recognizing the TDSB Character Trait of "Integrity." Congratulations to Nathan, Mia, Kate and Maddie who received certificates!

Last week was also the Book Fair in the Library and the children enjoyed shopping for books!

In the Computer Lab with Miss. Santiago the kids have been working with the program

That's the news from Room 166 this week! Next week we will continue learning about Canada and Butterflies. :)