Friday, November 4, 2011

Friday, November 4

A special Thank You to my parent volunteers who helped at our Hallowe'en Party on Monday: Anna and Liam's mom from the Morning Class, and the moms of Tatum, Logan, Chloe, Raine, and Samantha in the Afternoon Class. We made Model Magic pencil toppers, masks, decorated pumpkins, and made mummies and kites. Thank you also to the parents who brought in snacks.

Our Reading Club Helper this week was Anna from the Morning Class. I have bought several new series of the Bob books (I have series 1-5 as well as Kindergarten Sight Words and Grade One Sight Words). They are excellent. I have also bought a Curious George Phonics set which I think the children will like. With the coupons from your Scholastics Orders I have purchased four Phonics Sets: Batman, My LIttle Pony, Scooby Doo, and Froggy Phonics. Thank you for your Scholastic Orders! Please remember to read each week's Snuggle Book with your child and to return it for a new one.

Our Mystery Readers this week were Dana's dad from the morning class and Myles' mom from the afternoon class. Thank you!

If you have ordered a Berenstain Bears set from Scholastic and have not received it please let me know.

I still need clean glass baby food jars with their lids (small and large) if you have them. Thank you!

Our White Bags and Snuggle Books were done by Charlie's mom (a.m.) and myself in the afternoon.

This week we worked on our Phonics duotangs and number booklets, and as well we completed sentences and drew pictures related to our book The Grouchy Ladybug; I feel happy when.... I feel grouchy when.... The SK's writing is really coming along! Don't forget your finger spaces between the words!

The children also started reading from Picture Dictionaries. If you don't have a picture dictionary I really recommend having one at home. We use the edition published by Harcourt Brace Canada called "First Dictionary."

Next week Friday is Remembrance Day. We will be learning about this important day and creating a special poppy craft as well as doing numeracy and literacy-related tasks.

I look forward to meeting you at our Parent Teacher Interviews in a few weeks. SK children will be receiving Progress Reports on November 14, JKs will receive their first report in February, and both JKs and SKs receive a report in June. All parents are welcome to come in for an interview the week of November 14 to discuss their child's progress. Just go to to book an available interview time.

Have a wonderful weekend. The weather is supposed to be beautiful!