Sunday, January 12, 2014

Week of January 13-17

Dear families,

We started our unit on penguins this week and the children about their habitat, characteristics, behaviour, and life cycle. The children are really enthusiastic about this topic and we have been doing fun literacy and numeracy activities tied to the theme; the SKs fed the paper bag penguin sight word "fish," the JKs and SKs pretended they were penguins and ate (gold) fish (crackers!) in PINGO, the JKs matched small letters to capital letters with a penguin flip book, and we all started our Penguin Folders (these will go home when we are finished our unit).

The Science Table is now a water table with various absorptive materials. The children are having fun learning about which materials absorb water more readily - different kinds of sponges, chamois, paper towels, cotton balls, and dish cloths.

This month's sharing assembly will be about teamwork. We enjoyed reading "Perfect Snow" by the wonderful author and artist Barbara Reid, and talked about how the children worked together in the story. The children also enjoyed listening to author Frieda Wishnisky in the library.

This week we will continue learning about penguins. We will also finish our snowman art.

Our Kindness Quilts are on the hallway bulletin board. Please take a moment to look at the beautiful and thoughtful work your children have done.

The next Scholastic order is due January 31.

If anyone still has the mystery bag please return it. Thank you!

I hope you have a wonderful week!