Saturday, November 1, 2014

Week of November 3-7

What a busy week! Thank you first to all the parents who volunteered their time this week: Dima's mom and Christopher's mom in the Library, Claire's dad was Mystery Reader, and Martel's, Anderson's, Theo's, Brady's, Avery's, Adam's and Lauren's moms all made the Halloween party a great success and lots of fun for the kids. Thank you so much for preparing those terrific crafts and treats!

The homework for the Seniors is to write the beginning and ending sounds of the Halloween pictures. The Juniors' homework is to finish the Halloween booklet that included exercises to trace several dotted lines (small motor). Please note that the children can complete it at their own pace. When they hand it in I'll look at it, put a sticker on it, and send it back home.

Our science centre now has our small pumpkin in a closed container. We will observing its changes over the next few weeks.

In your child's Halloween folder there were three seeds from our pumpkin. If you can spare the space, help your child plant them and see if a pumpkin patch grows! We also did an inquiry on growing the biggest pumpkin.

In Numeracy, we have been inquiring and talking a lot about the number 5 and, starting with the poem 'Five Little Pumpkins. We have been learning about how to make five in several different ways: building up, down, sideways, close together, far apart, sequencing, grouping same and differnt objects, adding, and subtracting. We've also done sequencing activities where the children have to put in order sequences (how to grow a pumpkin, how to carve a pumpkin, e.g.).

In Art, the children painted small plates red and then yellow on top, to make orange. When it dried they turned it into a little jack-o-lantern, which are all displayed on our hallway bulletin board. Also on the bulletin board are the children's cute drawings of their Halloween costumes with descriptors of their costumes.

With our Reading Buddies, we read and coloured Halloween Concentration Cards. Some have gone home and the rest will go home when they're done this week.

This week we'll do a fun little literacy unit on Bats. How they differ from birds, characteristics, and so on.

We'll also continue our inquiry on Primary Colours and tracking the Fall weather. It snowed today so we will definitely have lots of different kinds of weather in November.

The forms/cheque for the Mad About Munsch play are due on MONDAY. I have to tell the theatre our final numbers so please have them in by then.

I will put in the October Scholastic order on Monday. If you have any orders you can send them in by Monday at the latest. Thanks. The Christmas/Holiday order forms will be sent home on Friday and will be due on December 1st.

Have a terrific weekend. If you ever have any questions about the blog, folders, etc. please email me. I'm happy to help!

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Week of October 27-31

Dear families,

It's hard to believe that October is almost over and that Halloween is next Friday! I think the children will have fun decorating our classroom on Monday!

The children have been working very hard and learning a lot about changes in the Fall and pumpkins. We estimated the weight and number of seeds in our pumpkin, and then observed the actual weight and number of seeds (before and after weighing). We have also been learning about Living vs. Non-Living things.

We have also started learning about Primary colours, discovering what happens when we mix varying amounts of yellow and red (it makes light to dark orange). This tied in nicely with our art this week which is painting a fun pumpkin plate from yellow and red paint. This week we'll turn it into a jack-o-lantern.

Last week we continued learning about Fall weather and went outside with the weather reports the children made.

The homework for the Juniors this weekend is to cut and sort small, medium and large pumpkins. I have also sent home a science sheet for you to fill out together when you open up your own pumpkin at home.

We had our second Sharing Assembly on Thursday celebrating Responsibility. In class, we always say the title first before singing our song with matching gestures, but it seems that when 122 children try to sing together in front of their classmates and parents this is forgotten! Maybe it's best to just start right in without the title... :)

Our Science Table looks terrific with all the Signs of Fall items. Thank you to the kids for sending them in!

The LKS Halloween Parade is on Friday morning! The whole school first assembles class by class in the gym, then we walk around the school. Please remember that makeup works better than masks for small children. Our Halloween Party will take place after lunch.

This week we'll be learning lots of Halloween vocabulary and doing sequencing activities (steps to make a jack-o-lantern, steps to grow a pumpkin). In numeracy we'll also be focusing on the number 5 and learning the poem, "Five Little Pumpkins."

This is the last week of the Scare Hunger Food Drive to support Free the Children. If you would like to help out, please send in non-perishable food items as well as unused toiletries.

It is time to sign up for Parent-Teacher interviews. Senior Kindergarten Progress Reports are sent home on November 10. Juniors will receive their first Progress Report in February. All parents are welcome to schedule an interview to discuss their child's progress. Please read the LKS Bulletin for instructions on how to book an interview on from October 31-November 6. I look forward to meeting with you to discuss your child's progress!

A friendly reminder to sign your child in at the Office if you are late arriving to school to ensure your child's safety. Entrance bells are 8:45 and 12:35. Attendance forms are sent to the office shortly thereafter.

Have a terrific week!